Collection: Steve Purdy


1. What do you do when you’re not making art? (Day job etc...).

Professionally, most of my work is writing about cars, old and new. My wife and I travel regularly and I usually write travel stories that feature cars and events. I spend time on my personal library, our lawn and gardens, and recreational drives.

2. Why do you make art?

I make art because it gives me joy. If we think of the right-brain/left-brain philosophy, I spend as much time as possible in my right brain. Finding ways to share my photography fits that need.

3. What inspires you?

In terms of what inspires my photography, I’d have to credit a long camera lens. That allows me to focus primarily on the details of a subject, close up, where I find much beauty. In terms of creative writing, inspiration comes from reading authors who use language colorfully and creatively. I’m also inspired by the art of others.

4. What/who are your influences?

My photography is influenced by Tom Hale, one of the founders of the Automotive Fine Art Society, and other members of that group. Writing influences are Mark Twain, Charles Dickens, JRR Tolkien, David E. Davis, Jr., Brock Yates and Denise McCluggage.

5. If you could meet anyone dead or alive who would it be?

A similar question is about whom one might like to have dinner or a beer with. My list would include Barack Obama, Tom Oliphant, Mark Twain, Charles Kuralt, Louis Armstrong, Lilly Tomlin.